
Visual Merchandising Tool: Boost WooCommerce Conversions & Sales

WooCommerce conversion optimization, boosting sales and enhancing user experience!

Online Merchandising WooCommerce

Driving Sales and Converting Visitors into Customers.

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Sortler WooCommerce

Sortler is a cloud-based tool for merchandisers and WooCommerce professionals

Smart merchandising. More sales.

Drag and Drop catalog management

Set scores for products by adding numbers. SKUs with higher scores will be displayed on top of the category pages.
Or Use the Drag and Drop function to sort your products in the most intuitive, quickest way.
Drag and Drop catalog management for WooCommerce | Sortler

Smart catalog variety rules

Achieve a certain variety on your catalog pages:
  • Ensure the page does not contain identical products: same color, style or type.
  • Hide and add the desired products or product groups on the category page.
Smart catalog variety rules | Sortler

Set basic sorting rules for any categories

Bulk sort products on any category page you need, combine different sort rules:
  • Newest
  • Bestseller
  • Most reviewable
  • Price
  • Custom Attribute
Set basic sorting rules for any categories | Sortler

Manage poor-selling products

Sortler provides flexible features for the management of your low-selling items.
Sortler WooCommerce

Manage low-stock and out-of-stock products

Show certain amount of products with low stock per page. Or move out of stock products down the catalog.
Sortler WooCommerce, Manage low-stock and out-of-stock products

Add dynamic product lists blocks to any place

Add dynamic product lists blocks to any place: cart page, checkout, CMS pages, blog etc.
Use “Buy button” function in any place.
Sortler WooCommerce, Add dynamic product lists blocks to any place


Sortler supports all popular eCommerce solutions, including Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce.

Simplified merchandising

Your employees, work faster and the less time they spend on online visual merchandising tasks.

No Coding Required

Everything is designed in such a way as to put the smart sorting system into operation without delay.

Built-in emulator

Sortler supports all popular eCommerce solutions, including Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce.

Backup feature

Our visual product sorting tool has a backup feature to undo the changes made. So you actually risk nothing.

Round-the-clock support

Being in touch 24/7, we're ready to answer your questions in real-time, whenever you need.

Ready to level up your store management?

Sortler WooCommerce, Ready to level up your store management?
NO Coding needed, Plug-&-Play.
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Why should I enhance my catalog management with smart solutions?

Enhancing catalog management with smart tools like Sortler is crucial for eCommerce business owners for several reasons:

  • Improved efficiency: Such solutions automate and streamline catalog management tasks, saving your time and resources.
  • Better customer experience: A well-managed catalog ensures that users can easily find and navigate your products. This improves the overall shopping experience and increases customer satisfaction.
  • More sales: Effective catalog management helps showcase your products in the best possible way. For example, Sortler offers various cross-selling features, which can boost your WooCommerce store conversions and encourage customers to make additional purchases.

Can Sortler integrate with my WooCommerce store?

Yes, our tool easily integrates with all popular e-commerce platforms, making it an excellent choice for visual merchandising for WooCommerce online stores. In addition to WooCommerce, Sortler supports Magento, Shopify, and other relevant solutions.

How does your solution improve visual merchandising for WooCommerce stores?

Here is why Sortler meets all your WooCommerce visual merchandising needs:

  • Efficient product organization: Sortler provides tools to categorize and arrange the assortment, allowing online retailers to create attractive product displays and showcase their merchandise in a visually appealing manner.
  • Task automation: Sortler takes on routine, repetitive visual WooCommerce merchandising tasks and makes catalog management automatic. This frees up your resources and allows you to focus on other business goals.
  • Dynamic product recommendations: Sortler uses special algorithms to generate beautiful product-matching combinations and recommendations. Such an approach helps retailers enhance cross-selling and upselling opportunities, ultimately increasing average order value.
  • Better product discoverability. By structuring your product display with customer needs in mind, you make your range more discoverable, which leads to increased WooCommerce store conversions.

We could continue to describe the cool features of our solution, but for starters, that’s enough. We think the above has already convinced you why Sortler is an excellent visual product merchandising tool for WooCommerce online stores.

Can I use Sortler to take care of my low-selling products?

Yes, our WooCommerce visual merchandising tool perfectly copes with tasks of this sort. You just need to follow our simple instructions:

  • Monitor poor-selling products so that you can take proper measures in time and thus avoid business losses.
  • Instruct Sortler to place such items in prominent places in the catalog to attract customers' attention to them. Practice shows that such a simple technique often increases sales.
  • Set a period to give your poorly selling products a chance to start making a profit.
  • If sales remain below the desired level after the deadline, Sortler will automatically add a specific discount to these goods.

Put this plan into practice through Sortler, and the increase in WooCommerce store conversions and sales won't be long in coming!

Will Sortler handle catalog growth as my business scales?

Sortler helps manage visual merchandising for WooCommerce online stores of various sizes and types, from early-stage startups to large multi-vendor platforms. You just need to select the appropriate tariff plan from the three available options.